The M48A3 'Patton' Main Battle Tank 'Witch Bitch'
At the beginning of the 1968 Tet Offensive Communist forces overran the ancient imperial capitol of Hue in South Vietnam. U.S. Marines stationed at Phu Bai airbase south of Hue were ordered to lead the assault to retake the city. Backed up by M48A3s, crewed by fellow Marines, the ‘Grunts’ fought their way back into the city and street-by-street, house-by-house slowly but steadily gained the upper hand. During much of the battle foul weather hampered the use of close air support and thus the firepower of the M48A3s 90mm gun was essential. The sheer bulk of an M48 also allowed the Marines to advance behind the armour of the tank as together they eliminated the enemy. This particular USMC 48A3, ‘Charlie Four-One’ is nicknamed ‘Witch Bitch’ and comes complete with a full body Marine Tank Commander armed with CAR15 carbine and a “head ‘n’ shoulders” Tank Driver figure. Each model comes in its own sturdy, full colour, presentation box.